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The Queen Herself: Dolly Parton

Seriously, what can't this woman do? An amazing singer (in my opinion), an actress, a philanthropist, and now a writer. I grew up listening to Dolly Parton, and in the end, she will always be my absolute favorite singer, but after reading her new book, I can say she is 100 times my favorite person than she was before.

Run Rose Run

Written by Dolly Parton and James Patterson


A thriller from America's most beloved superstar and its greatest storyteller: A young singer-songwriter on the rise and on the run is determined to do whatever it takes to survive. Every song tells a story. Shes a star on the rise, singing about the hard life behind her. She's also on the run. Find a future, lose a past. Nashville is where she's come to claim her destiny. It's also where the darkness she's fled might find her. And destroy her. Run ,Rose, Run is a novel glittering with danger and desire - a story that only America's #1 beloved entertainer and its #1 bestselling author could have created.

My Thoughts

To be completely honest, the book started out so slow. I could not get into this book at all. I mean, given this was the first audiobook I've ever listened to all of the ways through, I still just could not get into it. The slow part was basically just background information and all of the characters meeting, however, once I got through all of the nitty-gritty, I could not stop listening. I literally listened to the book from Florida to South Carolina and back again. It got to where I was listening to it anytime I had downtime, in the shower, walking my dog, and even working out.

I did not really know what to expect when I started this book. I thought, that since Dolly co-wrote it, then it would be some type of romance novel. On the other hand, I had never heard of James Patterson, so I had no clue what type of writing he did or anything. So when I figured out what the genre and the vibe of the book actually were, then I was pleasantly surprised and even more enthralled by the story.

I really like the character development that happened throughout the story. With literally every character, there were major scenes where the character's light just shines. I love when authors do this, it makes me feel like I personally know the character and how they feel. It's like I'm experiencing the story through their shoes. Rose's character development was the most intriguing to me. Started off as an introvert with a "don't touch or talk to me" attitude that could handle herself. As the story unfolds, you can start to see that Rose does in fact enjoy the presence of others, and wants that person to be by her side. However, I can see how she was like that, to begin with when she first moved to Nashville, due to her background and where she came from.

Lingering Thoughts

So, it was officially announced that Reece Witherspoon picked up this book and is the producer for the up-and-coming movie that coincides with the book. I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE THIS MOVIE. This will be the first movie that I see where I read the book before I saw the movie. I cannot wait to see how different it is from the book. I also cant wait to see who plays the characters. I will be damned if Dolly doesn't play a part too. I think that would be the stupidest mistake Reece and the team could ever make.

The album that goes with the book is amazing as well. Literally no bad commentary for this book. I really hope that Dolly writes more novels like this! If she does, I will 100% read every single one of them.



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